July 2022


Upcoming Dates:

  • July 18: L-S School Board Meeting @ 6:30PM (HS Library)

  • July 25 - 29: No Contact Period (Family Week, see below)

  • August 2-3: Registration 1PM-4PM, 5PM-7:30PM

  • Click here to view our District Activity Calendar (scroll down).

  • Click here to view the 2022-2023 District Calendar.

Bond Construction Update:

To read up on our current progress, please click here! A reminder that the following items are the listed projects (current and upcoming) that we will complete through our bond referendum:

  • New Multi-Purpose Gym - Nearly complete

  • Concession Stand - COMPLETE

  • K-8 Main Entrance Updates - Nearly complete

  • K-12 HVAC Updates - COMPLETE

  • K-12 Gutters - Upcoming

  • New Electrical Boxes at Football/Track and Baseball Fields - COMPLETE

  • New High School Doors/Locks - Upcoming

  • Americans w/ Disabilities Act (ADA) Compliant Sidewalks - THIS SUMMER

  • HS Main Entrance Updates - IN PROGRESS

High School

Family Week

Please remember the dates of Family Week are Sunday, July 24 through Sunday, July 31.

During those 8 days, student-athletes and those involved in fine arts (as per IHSMA and IHSSA) are not to use school facilities for any activity purpose and coaches/directors/moderators are to have no contact with athletes and those involved in fine arts.

The Diamond Trail Fitness Center will continue to be open and available for students to use on their own, but no organized strength and conditioning sessions will be held.

Use this week as an opportunity to recharge, reconnect and enjoy being a family!

iPad pickup

Breaking news!

HS students may pick up their iPad for 2022-23

August 8-11

Office hours are 8:00am - 12:00pm and 1:00-4:00pm

LS Sports Physical Immunization Clinic 2022.pdf

Sports Physicals

10th annual Sports Physical and Immunization Clinic

Coming Soon! Fall Activities

For more information about upcoming camp opportunities, check with your coaches or bookmark this page for the latest info!

Elementary and Middle School

Meet Keelie!

Keelie Wanders is our new preK-8 secretary for this upcoming school year. Keelie is from the Eddyville area, but lives in New Sharon with her husband. She enjoys being outside and spending time with her family. Keelie is very excited to be a part of the Lynnville-Sully community and can't wait to meet our students and families! If you need to get in touch with Keelie she can be reached at (641) 594-4445 ext. 125 or wanders@lshawks.com. Welcome to Lynnville-Sully, Keelie!

As parents, we all know the importance of having our kids of all ages continue to engage in reading activities during the summer months. This is sometimes easy to accomplish, but for other situations it turns into what seems like a losing battle. Depending on your children's love of reading, self-confidence, daily schedule, access to books, and a variety of other factors, getting them to consistently read over break can feel overwhelming.

One of the best and easiest ways we can encourage reading at home is to be a model of reading ourselves. If, as parents, we find ways to integrate reading into our daily lives, our kids will be more likely to do the same. Better yet, if we can share those experiences with them, we are not only building their confidence as readers, we can reinforce and strengthen our relationship at the same time.

If you are looking for ideas of reading activities you can do with your children this summer, check out 10 Weeks of Summer Reading Adventures for You and Your Kids from ReadingRockets.org. The article is quick to read and provides a variety of great suggestions.

Registration information

The Back-to-School newsletter will be sent out to families at the end of July. The newsletter contains registration forms, school supply information, and elementary classroom lists. Please be on the lookout for this important packet that will arrive in your mailboxes soon.

Summer Kids Express