Title IX
In accordance with Title IX of the Education Amendments Act of 1972, the Lynnville-Sully Community School District prohibits sex discrimination, including sexual harassment, against any individual participating in any education program or activity of the District. This prohibition on discrimination applies to students, employees, and applicants for employment. The Board authorizes the Superintendent to adopt procedures for any individual to report sex discrimination or sexual harassment, and for the investigation and resolution of such complaints.
Any individual with questions about the District’s Title IX policy and procedures, or who would like to make a report or file a formal complaint of sex discrimination or sexual harassment may contact the District’s designated Title IX Coordinator, Aaron Shipley, Lynnville-Sully Community School District, 12476 HWY F62E, Sully, IA 50251, 641-594-4445 ext. 102, shipley@lshawks.com
The District will utilize this Policy and Procedure to respond to all claims of sex discrimination or sexual harassment as defined in Section II of this policy. If the District determines that a report or complaint does not allege conduct within the scope of Title IX, it may still proceed to investigate or respond to that report or complaint under any other applicable District policy or procedure.