The LSCEF is proud to award Lynnville-Sully graduating seniors with scholarships to help with the expenses of further education. All graduating seniors are eligible to apply, and all those who apply are awarded a financial gift. The LSCEF has a subcommittee that scores each application and the amount of the scholarship is based on these scores.
How can you help the LSCEF continue to award scholarships each year?
These scholarships are made possible through the generous donations of businesses, alumni, community members, and individuals. It is only with these donations that we are able to continue awarding each senior that applies a financial gift. Donations of any amount can be designated to senior scholarships.
Leaving a Legacy
Instead of a one-time donation to the scholarship account, there are three other options that you can do as a donor to the scholarship program.
Endowed Scholarship: Minimum of $15,000. We only use the interest off of this donation and theoretically this money will be in the account forever.
Annual Scholarship: Minimum of a 10 year/$500 scholarship amount. This scholarship is awarded for at least 10 years. As a donor, you are able to put some perimeters around the recipient of this scholarship.
One-time Scholarship: Minimum of $1,000. This scholarship is given for one year with the donor having no intention of making it a lasting scholarship. As a donor, you are able to put some perimeters around the recipient of this scholarship.